Another fun maternity session in downtown Tucson - gotta love it! And these older sibs sure do know how to steal the show, don't they?!? How adorable is this little one? She is going to be an awesomely FUN big sister to baby sister, I can just tell! Thanks mom and dad for a great photo session! :) ~Michelle
Michelle Rasmussen specializes in Custom Children's Portraiture and
Lifestyle Photography, from Maternity & Newborn through High
School Senior Portraits, including Family Portraits and everything in
between. To see her portfolio and additional information, please
visit the main website at: Thanks!
We just had another amazing newborn baby session with the sweetest 5 day newborn baby! He was soooooo good! I just had to share this sneak peek for mom and dad and grandparents too:
Michelle Rasmussen specializes in Custom Children's Portraiture and
Lifestyle Photography, from Maternity & Newborn through
High School Senior Portraits, including Family Portraits and
everything in between. To see her portfolio and additional
information, please visit the main website at: Thanks!
Everytime I see a newborn, and that is very often in my line of work,
I am always amazed at how little they are! They are just so sweet and
tiny and innocent looking and they always have this "feed me" look to
their faces! LOL.
This little guy was a little older than I
usually like to photograph them, but that was my fault as I wasn't
feeling well and didn't want to risk sharing any germs so we held off a
few days, so he was 9 days new. I usually prefer 5-7 as they are much
more sleepy and we can move them around without disturbing them as much,
but we still got some great photos! Check out one of my favorites.
Enjoy! ~Michelle
Michelle Rasmussen specializes in Custom Children's Portraiture and
Lifestyle Photography, from Maternity & Newborn through
High School Senior Portraits, including Family Portraits and
everything in between. To see her portfolio and additional
information, please visit the main website at: Thanks!
I hope your day is filled with love and hugs and all sorts of cute smiles! Here are two cutie pies that we made Valentines for that just melt my heart, and I know they melt their mamma's heart too! They attached some Hershey kisses to the backs of their cards, so those might be melted Have a wonderful day! ~Michelle
And the back:
Michelle Rasmussen specializes in Custom Children's Portraiture and
Lifestyle Photography, from Maternity & Newborn through High
School Senior Portraits, including Family Portraits and everything in
between. To see her portfolio and additional information, please
visit the main website at: Thanks!
Last weekend we had SO SO SO much fun photographing the "D" family! These children were not only sweet and polite but fun and up for anything! My favorite part was after the photo session was over all of a sudden this fun loving family was playing together and we got some of the best photos of all! Enjoy! ~Michelle
Michelle Rasmussen specializes in Custom Children's Portraiture and
Lifestyle Photography, from Maternity & Newborn through High
School Senior Portraits, including Family Portraits and everything in
between. To see her portfolio and additional information, please
visit the main website at: Thanks!
We are getting ready for Valentine's Day here at Wondertime Photography and Love is in the Air and so is a sneak peek of the adorable mini photo session we did!
We set up the lighting up like a Wondertime Silly Goose Booth and I added some "love" design elements to the images afterwards and turned them into Valentine's cards in PhotoShop. We mamma's will just attach candy to the back of the card or include them inside of a little baggie of goodies - easy-peasy and super fun and creative! I think they turned out super cute if I say so myself! :)
I will post my boys now and then save my clients until February 14th to save something for the actual holiday!
Be sure to tell me what do you think...leave me a comment and let me know what you think of my boys cards, I'd love to know! Thanks! ~Michelle
Each of the boys will have the same back where they can tape a piece of candy on the back of the card for their friends:
Michelle Rasmussen specializes in Custom Children's Portraiture and
Lifestyle Photography, from Maternity & Newborn through High
School Senior Portraits, including Family Portraits and everything in
between. To see her portfolio and additional information, please
visit the main website at: Thanks!
Last week I talked about "How I Got That Shot" and to sum it up, you basically want to go out with your kids, either with me, as a family or on a one on one "date" and just relax, and have a really good time with your children while practicing with your dSLR camera or if I am taking their photos, just sit back and relax and enjoy the moments with your family and allow me to work with them, they usually respond really well to another "parent" and that way everyone gets to enjoy the experience! :)
This leads me to my next bit of advice - Get in the Photo! If you are holding off on getting your family portraits taken or find yourself constantly slipping out of photos, you might regret this one day. There is an excellent article written in the Huffington Post called, Moms Explain Why They Are Getting Back In The Picture and I highly recommend you read it if you don't like getting your photo taken. We are all a little guilty of this, myself included, but I am making more of an effort these days to get back in the Photo! Here are some recent photos where I am happy to say I was in the photo with my boys (even if my appearance wasn't what I envisioned it should be, I just told myself, they wouldn't care, they only cared that their mom was with them and loved them enough to go do this fun urban adventure with them.)
Below Shelbie and I are checking out what we have gotten so far, lol! I am so happy with all of the photos from our family photo session from this year - a big thanks to Shelbie for coming along and helping me to "Get in the Picture!" :)
There are time in the past that we have done some very special family vacations where I have awesome photographs of the boys, but I now regret that I am not in any of the photos. For example, we went to Utah this past summer and got some cute shots of the boys, but no photos with me included. Here's one photo of my youngest when we went to the mountains:
I'm also regretting that I'm not in any of the photos from when we took a wonderful family vacation to California for our oldest son to attend Surfers Healing Camp. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, just regretting that I didn't make more of an effort to get in the picture for my boys so they would have those photos of me later on and know that I was with them on that trip.
There is some good news! When the boys were 4yrs and 2.5yrs we went on a photo-adventure on Christmas day that my hubby took a photo of me walking with the youngest and I am so happy he did it, even though I wasn't "photo-ready" I just cherish that photo to this day! It's such a real and genuine moment, and my little guy is SO tiny! Oh, I just LOVE him! :)
So the moral of the story...Get In the Photo! Whether it's a professional photo session or a fun snapshot at home, always get in the picture! Our kids love us no matter what we look like and the most important thing is that they see that we loved them enough to take the time to stop our busy lives and get in the photo with them! ~Michelle
Yesterday we had so much fun hanging out with another one of our favorite families in downtown Tucson for their urban family portrait session! The weather was perfect and everyone was dressed in adorable outfits that mom had done such a great job working to get! We've known and photographed these children since the oldest "T" was 5 months old and done newborn and family photo sessions both in the studio and on-location but this was their first urban session and it was great timing since all the kids are at the perfect ages for it. I had so many favorite photos from this photo shoot that I just had to post a bunch, so I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as we enjoyed creating them! ~Michelle
Michelle Rasmussen specializes in Custom Children's Portraiture and
Lifestyle Photography, from Maternity & Newborn through High
School Senior Portraits, including Family Portraits and everything in
between. To see her portfolio and additional information, please
visit the main website at: Thanks!
Ever wonder how professional photographers get children to laugh? Especially little boys??? :) Well, I know many people received cameras over the holidays as gifts and may be wondering how to best capture their own children's giggles and you may even be a little frustrated with some of the fake smiles you have been getting - I know I do when my boys give them to me. So today I'm going to give you a little behind the scenes info on how to get some genuine laughter that will be contagious.
The first thing I recommend is to make it a date. I always have two goals in mind when I go on a photo date with my boys:
Have a wonderful time making memories with them.
Come away with at least one amazing wall portrait that will remind us of the time we spent together and how much fun it was.
Sometimes we go on a little adventure in the mountains or the desert with a cape and a sword and sometimes it's just walking around downtown listening to and watching the trains that they love so much. But in between all of this we get to stop and take photos at spots that we decide are good spots - I like to let them "help" me decide on some of these spots too. The next thing to consider is if you are going alone or with your spouse.
If you are looking for some practice with your new dSLR camera for example, it might be a good idea to take each of your children out on a "singles" date at different times so that you can focus on each of them individually without having to worry about the dynamics of all of the siblings together. But if you are looking for a shot of the siblings together, then I would suggest to tag team with your spouse or a friend! When my husband and I go out together we get many more "keepers" in a much shorter time frame as we now work together as a team, even in challenging situations like photographing our own children. Here is a photo session from awhile back with our boys and you will find out what our "secret weapon" was to getting them to laugh! ;)
And that's How I Got That Shot and it's been hanging in our living room as a 16x20 wall portrait since then reminding all of us of the fun day we had hanging out as a family! ~Michelle :)
Michelle Rasmussen specializes in Custom Children's Portraiture and
Lifestyle Photography, from Maternity & Newborn through
High School Senior Portraits, including Family Portraits and
everything in between. To see her portfolio and additional
information, please visit the main website at: Thanks!
Our oldest son is turning EIGHT on Sunday! Crazy how time flies when you are having fun! We love our boys so much and are just so proud of how far they have come and how they grow. Here are a few of my favorite images of the birthday boy from a couple of recent photo sessions from urban downtown Tucson locations. I think he likes to model, what do you think? ;) Enjoy! ~M
Michelle Rasmussen specializes in Custom Children's Portraiture and
Lifestyle Photography, from Maternity & Newborn through
High School Senior Portraits, including Family Portraits and
everything in between. To see her portfolio and additional
information, please visit the main website at: Thanks!
Michelle Rasmussen is a professional photographer who specializes in creating amazing photographs of you and your children. Unique portraits that capture the spirit of childhood, the miracle of life, those adorable baby faces and the excitment of graduation - LIFE as ART.